Eye In The Sky
Aspire Learning Space
Oct 5, 2020

In war, truth is the first casualty.”

There isn’t much to say about war. There isn’t much to say about those who lead us into it.

This movie is specifically made to discuss the complexity of modern drone warfare. In doing so, it exposed us to a rich field of ethical dilemmas.

The war on terrorism needs no justification in of itself. Around the world, across different cultures, regions and religions, we’ve all been in some way or form a victim of terrorism.

One might deduce then the necessity of the war on global terrorism, but it’s not that simple. No one argues with that, it’s not the cause that’s the problem, it’s how it is conducted. What measures must we take to ensure peace? How far are we willing to go to protect lives?

There is a famous divide when deciding how morality should be defined.
The first is categorical morality, this is judged by whether the action itself is deemed moral or not, regardless of the consequences.
The second is consequential morality, as is clear in the name, it does not put in mind the nature of the act committed, only the consequences matter.

A famous example, is it ethical to torture a terrorist in order for them to divulge information that will save lives?
Categorically, this is unethical, but consequentially it is.

This is the simplest example and it isn’t even close to properly expose the full depth of the complexity of this philosophical issue.

We often experience this issue in our daily lives even, it could be in how we raise our children, or how we treat someone who is harming themselves, or how we treat someone toxic.

Such complex questions are usually left in the hands of high-ranking officials for them to answer. We supposedly hope that in the process of them reaching their position, they become prepared to deal with this type of situation.
However, they are human. Also, we cannot count the number of times we’ve been let down by those in power to lead us with fair judgment. Many have shown their true nature and true colors when they came about power. Imagine then, being faced with a question philosopher have debated for centuries and being forced to act on time sensitive decisions that will affect human lives.

The answer will vary greatly among us all. Each person with their own mindset or core beliefs would determine what they deem just and fair.

In the end though, we can’t be sure.

That’s why when choosing leaders, men and women who will be in charge of making crucial decisions at sensitive times, their morality, their character should be the first thing we examine and should approve of.

To be highly skilled or qualified should not come before a sound personality and a good rational moral mindset.

Ethical leadership, is key to not just our survival, but also our wellbeing and peace.

Whether you’re voting for a political leader, or choosing a team leader in your company, or hiring a teacher in your school, ethical leadership is of paramount importance. Nothing can be more relevant than to be able to make the right decision when situation demands it. To make the right decision, you need the right person, and to have the right person, you need a good ethical leader.

An ethical leader can learn skills and become more qualified.
An unethical leader, cannot learn morality. Morality is not taught, you become moral, you do not learn it.

It is a question of putting who a person is, before what a person does.

We must define someone not by what they do, but rather by who they are.

Otherwise, we put ourselves at risk of losing the one thing we cannot afford to lose ever…
our humanity.

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