With existing volatile business conditions, the need for entrepreneurs – with revolutionary innovative mindset and decisive strategic foresight, who are able to anticipate the future business conditions wisely, knowing how to grasp success even within crisis – became highly demanded.

“TIEC-InnovEgypt” program will help participants tap their entrepreneurial power to evaluate the potency of new business ideas, ranging from a process change that will create efficiencies, to innovative products, to a transformative business model.

The program sequence is based on integration of Design thinking 5 phases (Empathy – Definition – Ideation – Prototyping – Testing) within the entrepreneurial cycle, highlighting the importance of innovation and technology management, in order to minimize the gap between brilliant ideas and testing & iteration process, tackling the major reasons of young entrepreneurs’ failure.

This program is under the umbrella of Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center: TIEC-InnovEgypt. InnovEgypt is an undergraduate unique program in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship directed to university students in ICT specializations who are aspiring to be future innovators and entrepreneurs, either through establishing their own innovative start-ups or through manifesting skills that are highly required by local and multinational companies.

Key Learnings

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:


Recognize the different sources & types of innovation


Identify the importance of innovation


Link his own passion and talents to market gaps


Indicate the legal aspect and the required documents and processes


Illustrate some practical tools to generate new ideas within design thinking framework


Define entrepreneurship and the main characteristics of entrepreneurs


Introduce current technology trends


List the 9 building blocks of business model canvas


Plan the next step for start-up growth


Explore the key financial terms and activities needed for start-ups


Recognize the BML model of Lean start-ups


Classify the different types of start-up accelerators and how to reach the suitable one


Sketch his prototype in a tangible representation


Prepare an elevator pitch for his start-up concept

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